A Holokauszt 80. emlékévében a holokauszt áldozatainak nemzetközi emléknapján, január 27-től az áldozatok emléke előtt…
Hungarian Christians for Israel
On 20th of December, 2000 a document was presented at the Embassy of Israel in Hungary to Ambassador Judith Várnai Shorer, with the signature of about 21 Christian organizations and individuals. Although Hungarian media was aware of the event, only the Israeli Hungarian language paper, Új Kelet gave a covering on it.
Jesaia 12:3
To the Ambassador of the State of Israel in Hungary, Dear Judith Várnai Shorer,
In the light of the latest events in the Middle-East and their media coverage in Hungary urged us to express our solidarity and sympathy with the State and people of Israel. We are sincerely sorry for the victims of violence, to whichever ethnic group they belong to. We pray that no fanatic ideologies, hatred or revenge would increase the sufferings and losses of the people living in Israel. We are glad over the existance of the Jewish State and accept her right to defend the security of her citizens.
We confess and believe that on biblical and historical grounds, the city of Jerusalem is the indivisible capital of the Jewish people and Israel. We would like to see the Hungarian media to give precise information to the Hungarian public about the events taking palce in Israel. We take on the responsibility to do our best to present the modern State of Israel and the history of the Jewish people to the citizens of Hungary in its full reality. We pray that in these difficult times Israel would find strength in the great number of Biblical promises given to her in the Tanach by Almighty. We also pray that the Palestinian people living in Israel would also find the pathway of peace from Almighty.
We are united with you in the faith and with the ancient hope of the Jewish people that true shalom will come to Israel and to all other nations when Messiah comes!
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation,” (Zec. 9:9a)
November 9, 2000.
Signed by the following Christian communitites, denominations and individuals:
- D. Daniel Szabó, the Dean of the Tisza Region of the Hungarian
Calvinist Reformed Church - The Hungarian Baptist Union
- The National Center of Evangelical Pentecostal Union
- The Autonomous Chrsitian Church of Budapest
- Messianic Jewish Bible Institute
- New Jerusalem Catholic Community
- Újszász Reformed Church
- Living Word Church
- Pure Heart Church
- Vineyard Church
- The Ark Baptist Church
- The Gyömrő Church of the Evangelical Pentecostal Union
- The Church of Evangelical Christians
- Filadelphia Chruch of Evangelical Christians
- Menorah Messianic Jewish Congregation
- Free Evangelical Church of Szigetszentmiklós
- House of Prayer Church
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Szolnok
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Tápiószentmárton
- The Evangelical Christian Church of Budafok
- The Budapest Center of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
- Logos Pentecostal Christian Fellowship
- The Evangelical Pentecostal Theological College
- István Tatai, pastor in the Hungarian Reformed Church
- Gizella Végh, student of theology in the Theological Academy of the
Hungarian Reformed Church - Gábor Fogarasi, assistant pastor in the Hungarian Reformed Church
- Edit Láng, theological student of Catholic Theological College.
Új Kelet December 22, 2000.(Hugarian jewish news in Israel)
György Lévey reports from Budapest
“The israeli Embassy in Hungary hosted the event of political, historic importance that included the handing over of memorandums from 21 religious institutions. The content of the letter that Győző Dobner, Baptist minister and the representative of Bridge International Mission presented to Abmassador Judith Várnai Shorer is especially significant in the light of recent political changes. The Baptist minister emphasised that churches can only act within their own scope of influence and express their solidarity that hopefully will help Israel to carry her tensions. The Israeli embassador thankked for the decorative, leather covered letter. She mentioned that this event took place at the very best time with regards to the soon appraoching festival of Chanukka, which is a feast of light. The latest reports speak about renewed peace talks in Washington and, Ambassador Shorer said, we could face the new milleneum with renewed hopes. The huge losses of these tensions in Israel are very big and tragic because the issues could be settled in peaceful means. After this Daniel Szabó spoke on the joint efforts of the different churches to establish peace in Jerusalem.”